Tabitha Polenz

The word Vedas mean ‘knowledge’. Four sacred Sanskrit texts, called the Vedas, were written more than 5,000 years ago and covered a wide variety of topics, including wellness, healthcare, astrology, spirituality, government and politics, art, and human behavior. These writings became the basis for the Ayurveda medicine known in the world today.
The basic premise of this spiritual based philosophy is that all areas of life impact one's health, resulting in a Ripple Effect. All of life, from the internal biochemistry of our own body to the global human population, is interconnected. Life is an interwoven tapestry, whereby every action or non-action impacts all other intermingled facets. Like ripples on a pond traveling continuously outward, so are the far-reaching and overlapping consequences of what we do and the connections we make. Every individual has a great capacity for personal growth by way of incremental positive changes, which are magnified by this Ripple Effect. Changing your self is the quintessential way to alter our internal world and the world around us in unforeseen ways.
Vedas Origins